Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Last Exorcist (2010)

This movie is about a guy who doesn't like his job, like the popular comedy "office space". Unlike the popular movie office space" it doesn't contain many jokes which is good because it's a horror movie.

in the movie the guy has a sick son and he pass his hospital bills by making spooky noises in little girls' bedrooms and then their dad pays him several hundred dollars to go away. he calls these "exorcises". He seems to be in pretty good shape but i doubt its from doing just that.

later on he comes across this girl who is a super villain and does spooky things. turns out she's not a super villain but the devil is, and he lives inside her. later they go to a big bonfire and body parts fall off some people.

Well i for one didn't like it. talk about a low budget! they made the camera man one of the stars of the movie, and i guess he brought his home video camera with him and they let him use it. not to mention that you can tell a girl wrote some parts of the movie, like the 10-15 minutes where they talk about shoes.

i give this movie my lowest score, ** two stars

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