Friday, October 8, 2010

Inception (2010)

This movie stars leonard dicaprio (titanic) and elan paige (juno, those commercials she's in) in a movie about sleeping.

This is a movie about a guy who build a machine where he breaks into peoples dreams and steals their secrets.

above scene from "Inception" copywrite warner bros 2010

The movie seems loosely based off the McDonald's character "Hamburglar" who often tries to steal Ronald McDonald and Co's hamburgers.

Hamburglar first appeared in March of 1971 and was the first villain in the McDonald's ads. He is dressed in black and white indicating he has recently broken out of jail, probably for stealing hamburgers. He often says things like "Robble Robble!" He loves playing tricks on his friends and loves stealing burgers. Although his age is never determined, he is often thought to be a child or at least feature child-like characteristics. It isn't common, but some assume he steals just ham, making him a ham burglar but this is incorrect.

Hamburglar copyright McDonald's Coperation 1971-2010

In conclusion this movie was pretty good, but I'll have to knock a few points off due to all the hype surrounding it.

i give this movie my lowest score, ** two stars