Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Fighter (2010)

When choosing a film to review I usually scan the top 10 movies at the box offices, and then try and find a decent torrent of it online. It usually works out and I get to see the movie I want. but not today!!! The only movie in the top 10 I could find a good copy of was The Fighter. I realized beggers can't be choosy and sat down for what I assumed would at least be a decent movie. I was wrong!!!

The first two things I noticed about the movie were its claims to be based off a real story, and the fact that its shot documentary style. Why not just make a real documentary??? Idid a quick bit of detective work and realized it's actually "loosly" based off a real story. They had to work a little "hollywood magic" on it to make it the grand work of art it is now!!

I watched on in horror as I learned about Dickey and Mickey (the characters actual names, not making this up) constantly fail in their boxing careers. I knew something was off with this movie and suddenly it kicked in when "Here I go agai" by Whitesnake began playing in the movie. The target audience for this one was your average joe middle american racist wife beater. Suddenly It all made sense! I was surprised the two boxers weren't part time nascar racers. One of them was a heavy crack user so that part made sense at least.

In case the audience began thinking this was going to be somewhat intelectual or arty they had the main character take his date to a french film where they fall asleep and call it boring because they had to read with subtitles. Then in case the movie gets too smart for the audience they blare more 80's rock periodicly through the movie. Im surprised they didn't figure out a way for Bud Light to come spraying out of the movie screen?

Director David Russell on his way to the movie premiere of "The Fighter" Photo courtesy of Closest to the Hole Productions

THen to really get the audiences blood boiling they have the brothers start beating up the cops for no reason and then the cops start beating them up and they go to jail. These types of movies always places cops as the bad guy because everyone in Middle america hates cops. Id hate the cops too if they kept busting me for delinquent child support payments and meth labs!!!

A quick Google search found a way this movie could have been made better

From this point int he movie they could have easily just spliced the ending from "Rocky 2" in and no one would have noticed. (Or maybe they did!) It was your average predictible boxing movie ending you start thinking uh oh he isnt going to win then suddenly he does! wow!!!!!!!!!!!!

This movie was either a bad prank on the movie community or just a low blow to their IQ. I am glad i didnt waste my money seeing this load of garbage in the theater. If iwanted insight in how the average meth addicted car mechanic thought i'd hop on the next bus to oklahoma! I wish it were possible to give a lower score, but unfortunaly I can only give this "film" my lowest possible score, ** two stars


  1. Dings! why have you yet to review True Grit? I think you may give it your highest possible score, **two stars!

  2. Good news, Aaron C, That's the next movie I'm going to review!
