Since it was Thanksgiving Grandma wasn't as stingy with her money as usual and I was able to pry out the admission cost to see a movie. Still wasn't able to talk her into springing for some extra money so I could get some food but that's what I've come to expect from "The greatest generation".
Since I got there late all the cool movies were sold out so I had to pick the Muppets. I reluctantly purchased my ticket and went in. Right away I noticed there was nothing but children and fat guys who didnt look like they had time to shower in the audience. One of those fat guys had to sit by me. He smelled bad but luckily he was eating his popcorn so fast sometimes a few kernels would fly from his hand and land on me. Free popcorn!!!
The movie started and right away i realized why this wasn't sold out. It was a puppet movie!! With singing! The girl was pretty hot but there werent any nude scenes so she might as well have not even been in it.
The plot is this guy has a brother who was a puppet and he loves puppets!! So they go to puppet land (much like toonville from who framed roger ribbit, blatent rip off #1) It turns out the Mupets aren't friends anymore so they go on a road trip to get back together. They get back together and put on one last show to save an orphanage or something but their show isn't very good and they don't make any money.
In short:
Puppets get together to raise money with a show (the show is like 75% of the movie) and the show isn't very good so they don't make enough money.
So you pay $11 to see some puppets put on a show that isn't very good? Someone really thought this would be a good idea? Seriously?
Because of that and because the girl stays over clothed the entire film (what the heck is this, a mormon movie or something?) I give this my lowest possible score, 2 stars **.
Since I got there late all the cool movies were sold out so I had to pick the Muppets. I reluctantly purchased my ticket and went in. Right away I noticed there was nothing but children and fat guys who didnt look like they had time to shower in the audience. One of those fat guys had to sit by me. He smelled bad but luckily he was eating his popcorn so fast sometimes a few kernels would fly from his hand and land on me. Free popcorn!!!
The movie started and right away i realized why this wasn't sold out. It was a puppet movie!! With singing! The girl was pretty hot but there werent any nude scenes so she might as well have not even been in it.
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Cast of "The Mupets" 2011 Copyright Disney |
The plot is this guy has a brother who was a puppet and he loves puppets!! So they go to puppet land (much like toonville from who framed roger ribbit, blatent rip off #1) It turns out the Mupets aren't friends anymore so they go on a road trip to get back together. They get back together and put on one last show to save an orphanage or something but their show isn't very good and they don't make any money.
In short:
Puppets get together to raise money with a show (the show is like 75% of the movie) and the show isn't very good so they don't make enough money.
So you pay $11 to see some puppets put on a show that isn't very good? Someone really thought this would be a good idea? Seriously?
Because of that and because the girl stays over clothed the entire film (what the heck is this, a mormon movie or something?) I give this my lowest possible score, 2 stars **.