I've overheard people talking about Black Swan at various places since it has come out. At first I thought they had just seen a black swan at the park and were real excited for some reason but as it kept coming up I did some reaserch and well it's a movie! I decided to go see it as part of my NYE celebration (alone, unfortunately).
I think I would have rather seen a nature documentary.
I don't think I can express how P/Oed I was to find out this was a ballet movie!!! Great! I blew my NYE on a girly movie??? Well I already payed my ticket price so I decided to stick with it.
This story is about this selfish girl Nina who, like all girls, must have all the attention all the time. She desperately wants to be the star of this dance and when she doesn't get it she makes out with the director and now suddenly she's the star.
We learn that this girl nearing her 30's still lives with her mom and lives the life of a near baby (which reminds me, I'd better start checking out places to call my own soon..,). Her mom is happy for her getting the role and buys her an expensive cake but Nina has none of that and tries to get her to just throw it away. Why did they make this main character so unlikable??
After all that Nina decides it's time to go out and get drunk and do drugs and get with a few guys (and girls) following this she breaks her moms hand and ruins all her drawings. What the heck?
obviously due to its subject material this movie didn't have a chance
Finally during her performance she turns into a swan briefly (um what???) then just as quickly turns back. Then because she wasn't satisfied with having enough attention she attempts suicide and the movie ends with the audience wondering if she dies or not (hopefully she does)
I can't really find anything good to say about this movie except for the part where I realized it was over. If I wanted to watch a movie about some girl being rude and mean I'd grab the exorcist or something. Is this like a look into what it's like having girls around? I think I might stick to the life of celibacy if that's true. I'm giving this disaster my lowest possible score, ** two stars.
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