Skyline was an obvious choice because of the glowing reviews and all the hype surrounding it. I could hardly wait! This was saturday night and I was excited! We get there and Grandma buys the tickets, and actually offers to buy snacks and drinks! I was blown away! She's either slipping deeper into dementia or she's just excited to be outside the houes.

We get our seats and the movie begins. We don't get very far into it (maybe like 20 minutes...) and grandma yanks me out of the theater! She is disgusted that i would want to see such "filth". she flips out All because there was some swearing, alcohol drinking and a scene where a bunch of people watch a guy going down on another guy through a telescope that lasts about 20 seconds. I forgot her last glimpse into the modern world was probably silent films and she's unaware of what people are doing these days. The whole ride home she's yelling at me! I sure was glad to get back home and slam the door.
Then guess what! She wakes me up early Sunday morning to go to church!!!! I had to iron my shirt!!!!! I really haven't been this pissed in my life to be honest...
Church wasn't too bad, my first time. The preacher was up there swearing like a mad man, saying words like "hell" "damn" and i think he might have said "ass"!!! I was laughing my head off. Then there were donuts! I ate as many as i could and put the rest in our car for later.
You're probably wondering what all this has to do with a movie review. Well if you haven't noticed it's only part one... when we got back grandma said I couldn't use the computer until Tuesday (today). What the heck... I've been able to sneak and get on a little but not enough to write a full review>.
Anyway I've got a torrent downloading right now so i'll actually be able to watch this thing and I'll post my full review later... just wanted everyone to know I haven't forgotten about reviewing.
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