Speaking of cost cutting measures, i didnt have enough spare change to go see a 5$ matine this morning but really needed to do a new review so i asked my buddy rich if he would mind getting a torrent of "easy a" for me to review. he seemed amused that i wanted to see that movie and told me to have fun "reviewing" it. sometimes i could do without the sarcasm!!!
so i go home and pop this sucker in and wow. i didnt really know what to expect since i didnt know much about the movie but i really didnt expect this!!! The movie starts with emma stones character playing an unnamed student and penn badgley playing the teacher professor or whatever. he informs her that she's failing class and she says she "do anything!" she needs to do to pass.
this is where i really can't go on. i want this to be a blog families can read together and this movie really gets risque! leave some stuff to our imaginations people! i'd be lying if i said i didn't blush.
this is not the type of movie to bring grandma to!

emma stones and penn badgley in "Easy A". Photo copyright Screen Gems.
well when the film ends Penn informs her that he has changed his mind and she wont be failing after all. she replies with "that was the easiest a ive ever gotten" and giggles and the movie fades out. what the heck??? there was like 5 lines of dialoge and the movie was like 21 minutes long. what a rip!!! They must have really left of a lot of story from the novel on the cutting room floor or maybe they didn't even bother reading it???? or making the script?? some times it seemed like ad libbing. I don't know.
I didn't really have very high expectations since this was an adaptation of a classic novel but they really dropped the ball on this one. hollywood tries pushing sex over substince once again and this review isnt buying it. because of all the changes from the original story and the lowest budget film i've seen screen gem put out (doesn't disney own them??? did they blow their money or someting??) ive just got to give this film my lowest rating ever, ** two stars.
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